Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Store Your Fall-Planted Perennial Bulbs

At this time of year, many online perennial bulbs retailers are starting to have their yearly sales, and it is a great time to stock up on perennial bulbs to plant this fall. However, after your perennial bulbs arrive, you will have the challenge of keeping them in good condition until you can plant them a few months from now. How do you keep your perennial bulbs healthy and happy?

Most fall-planted perennial bulbs need to be stored in a place that is cool and well ventilated. Generally, a temperature range of 55-65 degrees (F) is ideal, although you can store most perennial bulbs a bit cooler. Many people find that their refrigerator is the best place to keep their perennial bulbs during the hot summer days. If you choose this option, you should try to keep your perennial bulbs stored on open trays in the fridge (to prevent rot), and be sure not to store the perennial bulbs with any produce that produces ethylene gas (apples or pears, for example). Ethylene gas can cause perennial bulbs to abort their flowers once they are planted.

By following these simple instructions, you should be prepared come fall to plant your perennial bulbs.
For more information about perennial bulb gardening, I strongly recommend you consider picking up a copy of Anna Pavord's lovely book: Bulb.

In the book you will find nearly six hundred different entries about different bulbs and tubers you can grow, including detailed descriptions of the blooms, the plant size, hardiness levels, native areas they are found in, and their bloom seasons. The book is wonderfully written and each entry contains photographs of individual bulb blossoms. Easily one of the most definitive books on the topic, and a necessity for any serious perennial bulb gardener! Click here to get it on sale now at!